Sacraments do not have price tags. The minimal offering suggested below is to help in the upkeep and maintenance of our parish.
An offering of Php24,500.00 (without aircon) or Php29,500.00 (with aircon) includes the following:
Wedding ceremony within the Holy Mass.
Marriage Certificate, Registration Forms, Red Carpet (center aisle), Nuptial and Unity Candles, Wedding Booklets (for the couple only)
Flowers in the center aisle and around the altar
Commentator and Reader
A tentative reservation is allowed for ONE WEEK ONLY. After this period, a non-refundable deposit of Php10,000 MUST be made together with UPDATED Baptismal Certificates (issued not later than six months before the wedding), with the specification for MARRIAGE PURPOSES only.
To avoid expiration of the Marriage License, apply for the license preferably at your Municipality two months before the wedding. (Note: Marriage License is valid for 120 days only.)
Confirmation Certificate (Kumpil) stamped by issuing church "for marriage purposes only."
Our Parish Office will issue the following forms:
Banns and Permit forms for the Bride to secure permission from her Parish Priest to marry outside of her parish. (Given on the day of interview).
The Banns should be posted in the Bride's parish church for three (3) consecutive Sundays.
The Banns for the groom announcing his forthcoming marriage should be posted in his parish church for three (3) consecutive Sundays.
Individual 2x2 pictures of the Bride and Groom upon reservation.
Submission of the following at least one month before the scheduled wedding date:
Marriage License
Updated Baptismal certificates of Bride and Groom
Banns and Permit from the respective parishes of the bride and groom duly signed by their parish priest
Confirmation Certificates
Full names of principal sponsors
Complete payment of the wedding fees
PUNCTUALITY IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE to avoid cancellation of appointment. The dates and time of the following shall be given ahead of time:
Canonical Interview
Marriage Preparation Seminar (Pre-Cana)
Marriage Counselling
Confession and Rehearsal (couple only)

1. Failure to attend the Canonical interview and Marriage Counseling on the appointed date WITHOUT informing the office, will result in the CANCELLATION OF THE WEDDING DATE.
2. Guest Priest who is invited to solemnize the wedding, must present his "celebret" (i.e. A document that guarantees his good standing in his Archdiocese) and a photocopy of the Certificate of Renewal of Registration and Authority to Solemnize Marriage (CRASM).
3. Parish will only give Marriage Application Form to applicants 27 years old and above.
4. The ceremony will START EXACTLY at the scheduled time (Please refer to no. 11.)
5. For the convenience of all, ring and coin bearers and flower girls should be at least five (5) years old.
6. The certificate of marriage will be given to the mother of the bride together with the nuptial/unity candles and booklets used, right after the wedding.
7. Showering of flowers, rice, confetti, etc. is not allowed inside and outside the church.
8. Church personnel and not wedding coordinators will do the arrangements in the parish church.
9. Proper church decorum is strictly enforced. Ladies (bride, mothers, bridal entourage, sponsors, guests, etc.) are expected to dress properly and decently for church. Ladies wearing dresses with plunging/revealing necklines or backless attires will not be allowed to enter the church. Likewise, gentlemen should wear the proper church attire. (No "sandos" no slippers, no torn jeans, etc.)
10. To avoid embarrassing situations, it is the responsibility of the bride and groom to inform their entourage, sponsors, guests, ahead of time, of the dress cod. (Please refer to no. 9)
11. A late penalty fee of Php 5,000.00 is made as a deposit to ensure punctuality. This is refundable on the condition that the wedding ceremony including the pictorials start and end on the scheduled time. The church clock at the entrance determines the time.