Feast day of Mary Help of Christians - May 24

Prayer To Our Lady, Help Of Christians
by St. John Bosco
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christians,
how sweet it is to come to your feet
imploring your perpetual help.
If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children,
how can you, the most loving of all mothers forget me?
Grant then to me, I implore you,
your perpetual help in all my necessities,
in every sorrow, and especially in all my temptations.
I ask for your unceasing help for all who are now suffering.
Help the weak, cure the sick, convert sinners.
Grant through your intercessions many vocations to the religious life.
Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians,
that having invoked you on earth we may love
and eternally thank you in heaven.
Prayer To Mary, Help Of Christians
Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin, Help of Christians,
Mother of the Church, we place ourselves under
your motherly protection. We promise to be faithful to our Christian vocation and to work for the greater glory of God and the salvation of our souls, and of those entrusted to us.
With faith in your intercession, we pray for the Church,
for our family and friends, for the youth,
especially those most in need.
You were St. John Bosco’s teacher.
Show us how to imitate his virtues
especially his union with God, his chastity,
humility and poverty, his love for work
and for temperance, his goodness and
total giving of self to others,
his loyalty to the Holy Father and to the church.
Grant, O Mary, Help of Christians
the graces of which we stand in need. [pause for your intentions]
May we serve God with fidelity and generosity until death.
Help us and our dear ones to attach the boundless joy
of being forever with our Father in heaven. Amen.